It has been wonderful to once again have the children safely back on campus and enjoying being with their friends in the classroom, on the sports fields, playing music and on the stage. The campus, filled with pupils and staff, has been buzzing with life, laughter and learning. Here are just a handful of reactions to our community being reunited:
This genuine sense of excitement and buzz has continued throughout the last three weeks of the term – with a collective thankfulness that the community can safely be together again. All of the considerable time and effort that has been invested to enable the Oakham School community to safely return will, of course, continue into the Summer Term. Our testing regime, internal ‘track and trace’ and the adaptions to our campus and timetable are adeptly embedded into the rhythm of school life. Those pupils who are not yet able to return to School, or who have had to spend time away from the campus to self-isolate, will also continue to be connected and supported to take part in their lessons and life at Oakham.