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F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w
28th May 2020

Pupils take on the Fab 4 Charity Challenge!

This half-term pupils from the four Houses of the Lower School are jointly taking part in the Fab 4 Charity Challenge to raise money for Rainbows Hospice and LIV Villages.

The girls of Ancaster and Lincoln and the boys of Sargants and Peterborough Houses have set themselves four one-hour challenges in four different areas – physical, literary, creative and kindness – that they will complete in a single day. For example, an hour each spent reading, painting, walking and gardening.

As a bonus, on a different day or over several days, they will complete one challenge in four hours. For example, Halle in Form 2 and Otto in Lower One have gone on a four-hour cycle ride for their bonus physical challenges. Edward in Form 1 is planning to cook a three-course gourmet dinner for his family as his bonus kindness challenge.

Malcolm Fairweather, Housemaster of Peterborough House, said: “The aim of the Fab 4 Charity Challenge is to enable each child to do something brilliant off screen, to shine in some things they already do well and to experience, perhaps, some skills further from their comfort zones.”

The target the pupils are hoping to raise is £5,000 to be split between two charities that help other children: Rainbows Hospice, which helps children in the local area and the LIV Villages Project, which looks after children in South Africa.

We look forward to sharing pictures and stories of the pupils’ achievements!

To make a donation, please go to Fab 4 Charity Challenge.


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