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21st June 2023

Form 3 Pupils Showcase Interdisciplinary Learning

Pupils take part in interdisciplinary learning project. Form 3 pupils came together to showcase their interdisciplinary learning at the culmination of a collaborative project between History, Biology, and Design & Technology.

The Interdisciplinary Unit (IDU) is a component of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP), which encourages pupils to make practical connections between their studies and the real world.

The project – which incorporated a trip earlier this year to some of the World War I battlefields of northern France – aimed to explore practical ways of supporting wounded soldiers.

During the Interdisciplinary Unit day, pupils designed a range of devices that could be used to support the injured, including splints, stretchers, and medical bags.

Mr Evan Bett, MYP IDU Coordinator, praised the pupils’ efforts, saying: “It’s been amazing to see the pupils take what they’ve learned in different subjects and apply it to a real-world problem.

“Their designs show a real understanding of the needs of injured soldiers and the challenges they face.”

Mr Dmitriy Ashton, IB MYP Coordinator, was equally impressed with the pupils’ work, adding: “The designs the pupils have come up with are both practical and innovative.

“They show a real understanding of the materials and tools available, as well as a deep empathy for the needs of the injured. I’m proud of what they’ve accomplished.”

The Form 3 IDU project is part of Oakham School’s commitment to providing a holistic education, combining academic rigor with real-world problem-solving skills.

By bringing together different subject areas, the aim is to equip pupils with the skills and knowledge they need to make a positive impact in the world.

One pupil involved in the project explained: “It was great to explore our topic in different subjects and see how everything we learned came together. I feel like I’ve gained a lot of skills that will be useful in the future.”

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