In Oakham School’s latest instalment of ‘Behind the BTEC’, Form 7 pupil Daisy gives her perspective on why the qualification is helping her achieve her goals.
Why did you choose to do a BTEC?
“It suited my working and learning style more, because I have always struggled with exams but thrived in coursework. I found it the perfect balance for me; it gave me the ability to strive for and achieve higher results.”
Alongside her Business BTEC, Daisy is also studying A-levels in Economics and Art.
How do you think your BTEC supports your learning?
“BTEC maximises my knowledge, as it does not restrict me to just examinations. In addition, it gives me the ability to apply that business knowledge in real-life situations rather than just learning it. Personally, I think this is a more productive way of learning.”
What is your favourite thing about the Business BTEC?
“My favourite thing is the ability to show my knowledge without time restrictions. It allows me to express and show my full capabilities without being constrained in examinations. It has also given me the ability to strengthen my other A-levels, which I believe wouldn’t be as achievable if I studied Business A-level.”
What have you learnt so far?
“In BTEC I have learnt how to manage my time whilst also pushing my research and knowledge. I have gained in-depth knowledge about specific businesses and the functioning of firms which I believe can aid my learning in my future career. Moreover, I have learnt how to analyse data more thoroughly and evaluate concrete examples from the world of business.”
What do you hope to do when you leave School?
“My future career goals are currently uncertain. I have applied to universities to study Business Management and Marketing, as BTEC has sparked my interest in this field. My aspirations are to work for a firm or run a firm of my own, particularly the sales industry.”
“I believe BTEC will help me achieve my future goals as I already have a foundation knowledge of how large businesses operate. Furthermore, I believe it has amplified my skills, such as time management and productivity, which can be applied in a working environment.”
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