Last week saw the IB Diploma students embark on their Group 4 project, which is a compulsory element of the course, providing them with an opportunity to think in a multidisciplinary way and to work with others. They faced a variety of difficult challenges, including:
- Measuring an unknown temperature
- Estimating how many peas are in a container without touching the jar,
- Make a device that can accurately time 5 minutes
- Make as many different statements of a mystery liquid as they can using standard lab equipment
- Determine an unknown height
- Make a flag
Using available resources, design a model to act as a visual aid in teaching a biological process.
IB Diploma Coordinator, Carolyn Fear, said,
“I was thrilled to see the return of the Group 4 Project. Sadly, it was impossible to run during social distancing, so it was especially exciting to see the pupils engaging with it so whole-heartedly.”
Carolyn continues, “The Group 4 Project provides a wonderful opportunity for pupils to have fun whilst working collaboratively. They have developed their understanding of the relationships between the different scientific disciplines and have witnessed science in action.”
Head of Science, John Chilton, added, “The IB Group 4 project embodies many of the fundamental aspects of the Diploma, beyond the actual academic study. It requires people with different skill-sets to come together and share their knowledge and experience in order to take on a significant challenge. It requires planning and an openness to trying new things and listening to the views of others. And it develops competition between teams, but within a caring and mutually supportive environment, where we can celebrate the success of our rivals (usually with chocolate!).
It has many of the qualities that we desperately need from our leaders and if this group of students are an indication of the future, I would argue that society will be in safe hands.”