Kind words have been shared across Oakham School in celebration of Anti-Bullying Week (15 to 19 November).
As part of its pledge to tackle bullying and create a truly inclusive School, pupils have designed posters to display in the corridors which promote kind words and encourage people to use these around each other.
The kind words have been specially chosen by the pupils and represent emotional and intellectual compliments rather than focusing on things such as people’s physical appearances.
Form 7 pupil India, who is leading the initiative, said: “It has been a brilliant and rewarding experience to make these posters. The intention is that if these words are used by pupils, a positive knock-on effect will happen where even more kindness is spread across the School.”
“The positive and inclusive feel of Oakham School sets us up in this perfect position where we can celebrate Anti-Bullying Week as a whole community and each do our bit when it comes to spreading some extra positivity and kindness to our peers throughout the School. This week is a wonderful one to celebrate, not just in School but across all walks of life that we encounter each day.”
Lower School pupils are also taking part in a nomination activity called ‘I’ve heard a whisper’ which will highlight random acts of kindness and celebrate these across the School. Each child will nominate a fellow pupil who they’ve witnessed being kind recently, with the best entries being awarded a Cadbury’s Wispa bar as a reward.
Viv Lamb, Head of PSHE at Oakham School, said: “We want everyone who comes to Oakham, whether as a pupil or a member of the teaching and support staff to feel part of our community. One way of generating that sense of belonging is through small acts of kindness all year round whether it is saying ‘thank you’ as we pick up our plates of food in the servery; holding a door open for someone; to saying thank you to drivers who stop to let us cross the road. Anti-Bullying Week this year gives us an opportunity to self-check whether we are being as kind as we could be.”
“All our pupils and staff are aware that gratitude and kindness are key elements in supporting good mental health. Kindness is the one action that both participants can benefit from, whether you’re being kind, or someone is being kind to you, you both feel better as a result.”
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