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F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w F i n d o u t n o w
28th May 2024

Middle and Upper School House News

This half-term has been active, with many dinners and events happening across all age groups. The annual Form 6 and Form 5 dinners saw all boys and girls across the year groups scrubbing up well for an evening of food and laughs. This was followed by the prefects dinner, an evening celebrating all that the house prefects have done throughout the year.


The Barrow boys have enjoyed dinners on campus as well as being keen for a weekend curry. Barrovians hit Rutland Water Golf Course for a golf day with family and friends and came away victorious, with Clipsham, in the Form 5 Boarders vs Day boys Football Match.

This half term, the Barrow boys brought more silverware back to house after being crowned Senior House Cricket Champions.


The Buchanans girls threw themselves into weekend activities seen through their keen numbers when joining Haywoods and Chapmans for a day of polo as well as during their trip to Rumble’s Rutland Water site for an action packed day of laser tag.


Chapmans enjoyed many house socials this year, notably for the Form 4 boys, an evening of touch rugby, football and ice cream on a sunny afternoon on Donkey. Whenever conditions were dry, garden cricket was a continuous activity throughout the term. Form 6 enjoyed a pizza and house social to mark the end of their exam period at the start of the term.


Gunthorpe’s girls have enjoyed many Form and House socials this half term. Form 5 had a final evening out with their tutors and enjoyed a Form 5 formal dinner in the Barraclough before they left for study leave.

As the sun started to shine over the Gunthorpe garden, the girls produced some great daisy chains.


Hambleton’s Form 5 enjoyed a wonderful afternoon tea in house to celebrate all their fantastic achievements and to wish them luck in their upcoming exams. Form 5, Form 6 and the House Prefects enjoyed formal dinners in the Barraclough to celebrate their work throughout the academic year.


This half term has seen the continuation of the house ready steady cook competition with the most recent piece of culinary art being chilli chicken noodles. The garden is constantly hosting a rugby, football or cricket match of some kind often finishing off with an ice lolly or ice cream.


The Rushebrookes girls enjoyed making good use of the sunshine through their ice cream and rounders evenings. Prior to their GCSE study leave, Form 5 were treated to a Chinese takeaway and gifts in house.


Stevens have been treated to many tutor outings this half term with breakfasts setting the girls up for a productive day. Father Tim visited for a ‘Deliveroo chapel service’ which finished in style with some tunes getting the girls in the mood for Eurovision that evening. Beanbags and ice lollies were a common sight in the garden every time the sun shined.

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