These past few months have seen House spirit thrive at Oakham, particularly through the activities, challenges and competitions set by Housemasters and Housemistresses. Pupils have been kept busy, which has helped them stay connected, maintain well-being and keep up morale.
Glenn Gelderbloom, Housemaster of Haywoods, said, “At the start of lockdown, we set the #62 challenge, named because we have 62 boys in House! It involved completing tasks ranging from making supper or baking a cake for the family to helping the elderly by getting their shopping or collecting their prescriptions.”
Malcolm Fairweather, Housemaster of Peterborough House, said, “Spirits were kept high in our House on a daily basis, as we looked forward to the day’s tune and, possibly, a factoid for the week. Thursdays were enlivened by the weekly prefect Kahoot and Fridays – well, it could only be the song ‘Take me Home, Country Roads…”!
Pupils in Chapmans House created some wonderful pictures of ‘Nature’, ‘Work’ and ‘Home,’ which they then shared with their peers. They also put together a ‘Wonderwall’ house video!
Clipsham boys took part in a ‘Get Creative Competition’, which saw one pupil performing Elgar’s Nimrod on the trombone. In addition, they have been carrying out a variety of ‘Stay at Home Challenges’ including reading, table tennis, golf and the ‘tea bag’ challenge.
Mrs Petit, Housemistress of Ancaster House said, “We started the day off with some music selected each day by the prefects and added in events like “Masked Monday” and “Weird Hat Wednesday” and our favourite weekly event, Bring a Pet to Roll Call Friday. Trying to roll call over 50 girls accompanied by a collection of cats, dogs, rabbits and the occasional horse was something we will never forget!”
There have also been bake offs, a bunting challenge, a ‘train your pet’ activity, exercise challenges and many more.
Mrs Carly Latham, Senior Housemistress, said: “I am always proud of Oakham’s House spirit, but this term it has been magnificent. The pupils’ sense of fun, humour, creativity, kindness, respect, support and sense of community have really come to the fore, showing Oakham’s values and contributing to a successful term.”