Yesterday evening saw the French Department holding a cheese tasting event to promote French culture.
Head of Modern Languages, Mr Ed Milner, tells us more:-
“On Thursday evening, one of the great culinary pleasures of France came to the Ashburton in the form of a range of cheeses. Unsurprisingly this was extremely well attended given there were over 25 cheeses of varying styles from all six corners of L’Hexagone, to adapt an idiom, many of which are rarely seen outside France. Many thanks go to French Language Assistant, Camille Gauthier, who sourced the cheeses in France and brought them back with her on the plane after the holidays; one can only imagine what the reaction of the baggage handlers might have been. Camille and Marielle also gave interesting information about the differences in production, texture and flavour of the various cheeses and similar ones from each region. Many thanks to Camille, Marielle and the Spanish Assistants who helped out hugely in return for a little cheese and wine – we hope that this will become a regular feature of the Upper School enrichment programme.”