For the first time since the pandemic, Form 6 pupils from Oakham School hosted a coffee morning for residents of Rutland Care Village as part of their VA element of October Service Weekend 2023.
Cakes were baked and entertainments were prepared in School the day before, and the ladies and gentlemen of the care village joined us in their ‘Brambles’ common room for refreshments and music, along with our freshly made fairy cakes, Victoria sponge and scones.
Melody led a competitive round of Bingo, new to both her and several of the girls (‘Danny la Rue, 52; tickle me, 63’ etc!). Ruth, Fatima and Heloise then recited the poem ‘Dans la grande tapisserie de la vie’, doing so in French, German and English.
A piano solo by Scarlett was followed by a group song ‘Someone like you’ by Adele, after which Evie played part of the moving Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. Finally, Evie sang ‘The hills are alive with the sound of music’ to much applause.
It was a real privilege to be able to serve and entertain our senior citizens and it was a delight to see Sixth Formers not only volunteering for, but performing at, the event so admirably, and we look forward to many more coffee mornings in the future. Well done all.