Form 1 pupils had an exciting opportunity to virtually meet with their counterparts from Sunbeam School in Varanasi, a city on the Ganges river in the Bhojpur-Purvanchal region of India.
The meeting organised with the help of the New International Friendship Club and chaired by a professional moderator lasted for an hour and gave the participating pupils from both countries a great opportunity to connect, share ideas, and learn from each other. During the meeting, the pupils introduced themselves and shared information about their schools and cultures. They also had an opportunity to discuss their interests, hobbies, and aspirations.
Dmitriy Ashton, the IB MYP Coordinator who organised the meeting on Oakham’s part, remarks: “We feel that the virtual as well as perhaps physical pupil exchanges is something that we would like to promote more in Oakham and this first step was an overwhelming success that provided fun and educational experience for everyone involved. In a longer term, we believe that a carefully constructed programme of pupil exchanges can support Oakhamians in developing their cross-cultural competencies as well as broaden their perspectives on the world.”