Having spent the morning discussing healthy and unhealthy relationships, pupils then headed to seminars covering a range of topics from apprenticeships and gap years, to interview skills and US universities. Bryn Davis (OO ’19) also returned to School to talk about his journey from Oakham to producing TV shows for Disney+ in an aptly-named session called, ‘Not Going to Uni’.
The day was rounded off with a surprise keynote speech from magician Paul Longhurst who, as well as performing a range of mind-blowing tricks, talked about his own career and encouraged pupils to think about their values and interests, as well as how they can develop careers which also allow them to live fully rounded lives.
Megan Fairley, Head of Upper School said, ‘After Oakham Day is always a pivotal moment in the Form 6 calendar as pupils to start to look outwards and consider how the rest of their Upper School journey might equip them for the future. This year’s focus has been the concept of the ‘squiggly career’, inviting pupils to think of their lives as open and subject to change and growth, rather than just focussing on the traditional ‘career ladder’ model we are used to seeing’.
Find out more about the Careers Department at Oakham.